There is an enigmatic object, known simply as "the device." No one truly understands how it functions, but it is said to be powered by neuroartificial intelligence. Once activated, the device delves into the deepest thoughts of its user, revealing personal images and visions, as if it could read the unspoken questions or hidden fears within.
The device can only be used once in a lifetime. Those who have tried it speak of an experience that can be unsettling, even frightening. But it’s different for everyone: what it reveals depends solely on the mind of the one who dares to engage with it, showing only what they secretly wish to uncover about themselves.
In the exhibition, there is a quiet room where the voices of those who have used the device whisper through video testimonies, trying to make sense of what they’ve seen, of what they’ve discovered. Yet no explanation will ever be complete.
Project by: Lorenzo Cremona, Giulia Cervo, Camilla Foroni.